Saturday, April 10, 2010

Tip Of The Week For Your "PICKY POOCH"

Is Fido a finicky eater? Get your best friends on the right track with these tips................

Start young. Whether your dog is a pup or an older rescue dog,decide on a feeding plan before you bring he or she home.Be consistent with feeding schedule.

Dont feed table scraps. These snacks may turn your dog off to dog food-and even cause health problems.Fatty food for instance,can cause pancreatitis,while chicken bones can splinter in the digestive tract.Also raisins,caffeine,choclate,and yeast dough can be fatal.

Keep dog food and people food seperate.Once they start thinking people food is dog food,they can get picky---and become pesky beggars,too.Make sure they eat out of only there bowls---never let them see food as coming from your plate or as something you're preparing.

Stick to a schedule. Feed your dog two to three meals at the same time very day.Use measurung cup to ensure eqaul portions.If you choose to incorporate a little bit of healthy people food,mix it into the kibble.Variety may be the spice of life for humans,but consistency is key for your canine. 


Monday, April 5, 2010